(908) 359-1184

About Us

The National Engineering and Environmental Due Diligence Association or “NEEDDA” is a 501(c)(6) non profit organization formed to promote the common interests of engineering and environmental consulting firms who provide due diligence for real estate transactions.

NEEDDA was founded on December 19, 2012 by seven of the nation’s largest engineering and environmental due diligence consulting firms.


Frequently Asked Questions


What are the goals of the organization?

NEEDDA seeks to improve the practice of engineering and environmental due diligence for all stakeholders, members, clients, vendors, and non-member firms. NEEDDA’s proposed activities include education, publications, conferences, research, and accreditation and certification programs.

An important first project within the educational component was to create model contract documents that will serve as a resource for firms delivering environmental and engineering due diligence services and their clients.

Can my firm join?

We welcome new members. To join you must meet the membership criteria and pay an initiation fee and an annual fee. Please visit the membership section of the website for more info.

What is the purpose of the model contract documents?

The availability of model contract documents can reduce the time and money spent on developing contract language and the legal review that occurs with each new contractual relationship. Use of the model documents can facilitate clients’ evaluation and comparison of proposals submitted by engineering and environmental firms. We are confident that these will serve as useful tools for the due diligence community.

Why use the model contract documents?

Using the templates can save you time and money. Similar to the contract documents available from the American Institute of Architects, NEEDDA believes these documents will add consistency to the due diligence contracting process and save time in legal review of contract language. The combined experience of NEEDDA members informed the development of the model contract language, resulting in reduced ambiguity and a fair and balanced approach to risk management.

What model documents are available?

The following documents were crafted for the due diligence community to consider:

  • Model Terms and Conditions (may be attached to and incorporated into due diligence proposals)
  • Model Additional Terms and Conditions (a simple one-page document which may be used in connection with a client-designed contract)
  • Model Reliance Letter (traditional reliance letter for your client’s lender or borrower, etc.)
  • Model Non-Reliance Letter (may be used when a third party receives a copy of your report for information purposes only)
  • Model Master Services Agreement (MSA for multiple assignments for repeat clients – may be used when the client doesn’t have its own MSA template)